Only California and Vermont have sweeping bans on public smoking.
The Legislature passed a sweeping ban, only to see the public repeal it in a statewide referendum.
Jews for Jesus challenged the airport's right to institute such a sweeping ban.
While it is, on its face, a sweeping and unqualified ban, it has been subject to interpretation and intense debate over the years.
One way or another, residents find ingenious solutions to problems caused by the embargo's sweeping ban on everything from steel and rubber to aviation fuel.
Village officials say they know of no other locality with such a sweeping ban.
He suggested that he would support a more sweeping ban.
The House voted 254 to 158 tonight for a bill to impose a sweeping ban on the use of lie detector tests by most private employers.
City dwellers, on the other hand, have a little time to prepare for their most hotly debated new law, a sweeping ban on indoor smoking.