The vigor displayed at birth by RU486 treated Lifr -/- pups is striking and suggests sweeping improvement in well-being.
A16 Hawaii Retools Youth Prison Under a settlement with the federal government, the state has agreed to make sweeping improvements at Hawaii's youth prison in the next three years.
Bidders have begun announcing ambitious plans that include sweeping improvements for the backstretch, including new living space.
Overall, the online advertising market has experienced a sweeping improvement in the last year, reaching $7.2 billion in sales last year after two years of decline.
And that is leaving many people here worried that the Clean Air Act's initial gains will not be followed by the more sweeping improvements the law was supposed to provide.
Senator Jon Tester's Rural Veterans Health Care Improvement Act of 2009 makes several sweeping improvements to service for veterans in rural america.
The New York State Legislature recently enacted a sweeping improvement that will make TAP available to many more families and increase substantially the size of awards for the poorest students.
On Wednesday evening, the lower house, or Duma, voted overwhelmingly for a resolution calling for sweeping improvements in security, including changes that would affect virtually every Russian.
This week The Times introduces its most sweeping improvements in more than 20 years.
Federal courts have ordered the state to make sweeping improvements in its prisons and mental hospitals.