If she delivers the goods - meaning no broad, sweeping language - we're all okay.
The House of Representatives has approved a similar proposal, with more sweeping language than the bill voted today by the Senate.
The Court has not recognized the full scope of executive power suggested by Justice Sutherland's sweeping language.
BBC officials have apologized over their treatment of Mr. Gilligan's reporting before, but never in such sweeping language.
That sweeping language could cover just about any tree.
That sweeping language threw open the doors to an estimated 1.6 million mainland Chinese.
That sweeping language gives the Government unreviewable power to target legal immigrants for political reasons.
To some extent, this sweeping antiwar language of the National Council's leaders results from pressure to find a rhetorical common ground embracing its 32 denominations.
The bills contain sweeping language authorizing investigations into "matters pertaining to the judicial branch."