It was capable of sweeping mines in harbors and bays.
Tomorrow they may have us sweeping mines in the lagoon.
He says, 'Of all the lousy deals I know of in this war, sweeping mines is the worst.
The device was a metal detector of sorts: a highly efficient, compact unit for sweeping mines.
Although all were delivered, after service test and acceptance only a handful were used, for the development of airborne mine sweeping.
After several days sweeping mines around Okinawa, she headed for Japan.
Between 1 and 21 October, she continued sweeping mines in between typhoons.
Arriving 20 April, she and other minesweepers immediately went to work in sweeping mines.
She engaged in coastal sweeping of the main ship channel for magnetic and acoustic type mines.
Such helicopters, however, are considered more suited for sweeping advanced mines rather than the moored contact type found off Kuwait.