They were looking down over a broad, sweeping plain.
A swimming pool overlooks a sweeping plain that comes to life in July and August with the monsoon rains.
About 2,000 people live in small mud huts surrounded by sweeping, treeless plains.
The Druufs had landed their cylindrical vehicle flat on a sweeping rocky plain.
Like antelope or wildebeests out there on the sweeping plains of Africa.
They'd studied maps of campaigns, with broad sweeping plains and the occasional patch of high ground that had to be taken.
Yet as you move across the sweeping plains, seeing the hills from different sides, they reveal tints of vermilion, mauve and khaki.
There are battles between two warring clans on the sweeping, barren plains where much of the film takes place.
Great herds of horses thunder across the sweeping plains of Ellyrion.
To the east was a thin strip of coast, all that remained of the sweeping plains of Tiranoc.