Last year Allstate, the state's largest automobile insurer, announced that it was pulling out of the state rather than abide by the sweeping regulations.
One of the last bills passed in the final days of the 1991 legislative session provides sweeping regulation of the state's "900" telephone line industry.
There is, of course, plenty of disagreement about the extent of these effects, making it difficult to establish sweeping regulations.
Some of this sweeping regulation is being challenged in the courts.
The agency has proposed issuing sweeping new regulations of the industry in order to reduce the exposure of children under 18 to such products.
The House version, which was approved by the Banking Committee today, would bring much more sweeping regulation to the bond market.
In some regions, the sweeping regulations backfired.
With the U.S. economy as fragile as it is, such sweeping regulations could likely plunge the nation back into recession.
It is proposing sweeping new regulations on how tobacco is sold, distributed and advertised.