"Batman" remains an especially bold attempt to graft a dark, sweeping vision onto a comic-strip frame.
Mr. Bush should offer a more sweeping vision, with inducements for both sides to begin discussing it later this spring.
But only a sweeping vision of a world free from the bomb can start such a process, Nunn says.
And it will require a sweeping vision, let me share you, share with you, my vision.
If the states have more power - over abortion, the environment, affirmative action - there is less chance that one sweeping vision will rule the country.
And sometimes it was impossible to make him understand her sweeping vision of possible futures for their world.
But Mr. Zapatero's most sweeping vision in domestic policy by far is to transform the role of women.
And he insists that the risks of such a deployment should still be measured against the grand benefits promised by the President's sweeping vision.
There's a majesty, a 19th-century-novel echo to this sweeping vision of nature doing its thing independent of the human will.
A sweeping vision of our country.