Louis came running from the kitchen with half a sweet bun in one hand and sugar showing at the corners of his mouth.
Christian families in mourning serve a sweet bun known as rahmeh.
A sweet braided sesame bun, still warm from the oven, was just the right chaser.
Local sweets include maritozzi, a kind of sweet bun.
The sweet bun he got must have been well chosen for dryness.
A headline reads, "What's 2,000 years old, but keeps your sweet buns fresh and is always full of energy?"
Vas Bakery is also popular for its sweet bun.
She ate a bite of the humongous sweet bun Nana had set on my plate.
It differs from a tea cake and other sweet buns, which are made with yeast.
A basket of home-baked sweet buns and rolls started us off.