And I think that was mostly sweet charity on the old puffer's part.
It seemed a vast undertaking; but where there is a will there is always a way, and soon it was evident that each had found "a little chore" to do for sweet charity's sake.
Perhaps sweet charity will accomplish what your high-handed Edict failed to do!
The quote-slinging, innuendo-spewing Italian stallion of a judge was photographed in the buff in 2010 in the name of sweet charity.
Dorothy has this sweet charity toward her dog, a pretty dreadful little beast.
From this, the genuine spring of all the sweetest charities and joys of life, Marion derived that cheerfulness which appears never to have failed him.
"Mostly Alan Watson," I said, for sweet charity's sake.
"For sweet charity."
But not for sweet charity.
He believes he can reconcile the irreconcilable contradictions of contemporary society: Christian conservatism and New Age loopiness, capitalist greed and sweet charity, old-time religion and modern technology.