But it's a lyrical romantic quality founded on fact, not just sweet romantic sentiment.
The business of sweet sentiments and cheerful greetings is turning ugly.
Do you know any case where germs gave up and went away because the man they were destroying had a noble character or sweet sentiments?
Thanks to careful editing, the exhibition contained very few of the paintings in which Chagall sometimes let sweet sentiment carry him away.
Billboard gave the single a positive review, saying that it had a "strong lyric with a sweet sentiment".
The personals columns in the Washington newspapers balloon with sweet sentiments, pages of them.
"Such sweet sentiment," came a voice from the cave mouth.
There's something about covered bridges that conjures sweet sentiments of nostalgia and romance.
It is a sweet and simple sentiment, but time has not been kind to that memory.
That the movie explores a unique event, the outcome of which could not have been known in advance, makes its sentiments sweeter and more intense.