Those clouds, though, were misshapen dwarfs when set alongside the one still swelling above Rome.
Such heavy rainfall caused 20 rivers to swell above flood stages.
He suddenly let go one of the handles and pointed at a gross green bulk of down that happened to swell above us.
The sun swelled large and yellow above a horizon of blue-green water.
There was swelling above his left eye by the end of the round.
Most shore streets in Milford were flooded as waters swelled 10 to 12 feet above normal, the police reported.
The river swelled above its banks, flooding whatever was in its way.
Nearly all joined in singing this hymn, which swelled high above the howling of the storm.
Second, he has no plans to swell the plantings above 3,000.
Waters swelled in the town to about 12 inches (305 mm) above sea level.