The problem of unlicensed drivers has swelled in recent years.
And what was once a fairly fringe portion of the population has swelled in recent years, as has its influence.
Numbers of visitors have swelled rapidly in recent years, increasing 77% in the 5 years to 2010.
Lester Tyrick was still an importer; his business had swelled in recent years.
Their ranks could swell again in coming years, she said, and as a result, officials might regret a decision to allow some emergency shelters to close now.
Demand has swelled in recent years as the condominium market softened and more developers switched to building rental housing.
The financial measure it adores most - cash flow from operations - has swelled fourfold in recent years to $92 million.
Also, I believe the chamber has been swelling in recent years (which probably signifies absolutely nothing).
Nationally, the ranks of adjuncts have swelled in recent years as colleges have struggled with tighter budgets.
By contrast, the tax cuts will swell in future years.