The car abruptly swerved, ran against the curb, jumped it.
Then, just as it seemed to be swooping for the kill, our would-be destroyer abruptly swerved!
The massive skimmer abruptly swerved across four lanes of traffic.
The driver slumped over the handlebars and the machine swerved abruptly.
She swerved abruptly whenever she met a car, but there weren't many of those.
McAlpine says that her career swerved abruptly in May 1995, when she first saw a web site.
He swerved abruptly, heading straight toward the irrigation ditch fifty feet ahead.
When their Touareg swerved abruptly in a roadside thicket, the team was quite certain why.
In the last blink, as the Dasher stretched for the final blurring leap, it swerved abruptly aside.
The car glided quickly through the town, then swerved abruptly, turning right onto a road that hadn't existed a year earlier.