He pointed surreptitiously to one of them, a rambling white Victorian, then swerved quickly around the corner lest he be spotted.
Those in the rest of the rest of the column that could, quickly swerved either right or left.
He glanced up, in time to see the star brighten again to brilliant whiteness, and swerve quickly in their direction.
As she did, she steered to the side, and the machine quickly swerved.
It swerved toward him quickly, as if it were a very intelligent, evil slug.
The wheelbase, however, is less important than angular inertia (polar moment) to the vehicle's ability to swerve quickly.
At the last second, he pointed for them to go left or right; they had to swerve quickly into the correct lane without knocking over a cone.
He found himself driving on the left-hand side and quickly swerved over to the right.
He swerved quickly behind me, his free hand shot out, clamped itself on my shoulder and pinned me fast.
The latter car swerved quickly into the curb and halted.