Whenever there was any such danger, the Wolves struck with their swift swords and bows.
And swift swords would slash away both the arm and the head, but some of the sturdier Jews were reserved for transportation to the isthmus.
There is a market for the terrible, swift sword.
A sword too swift will bring a man to ruin faster than anything else.
It is a story unsurprising to people everywhere who have met the swift sword of the homeowners' association.
"Daniella Vorkuta's swift sword."
Then the swift sword of Duke Danius went licking right at Fafhrd.
With a swift short sword parry that left his opponent's guard open, the leader withdrew his broadsword from the chest of his enemy.
No foreign sword, however swift and mighty, could cut through the Gordian knot of a tangled Arab history.
--now, with swift compassionate sword, .