It appeared that the swift wings of their desires would have shattered against the iron gates of the impossible.
Then he turned to watch the proceeding below, poised like some wild bird ready to take swift wing at the first sign of danger.
Change, like death, can come on swift wings.
Every day she had to grow swifter wings, sharper jaws, more piercing, hypnotic eyes.
Smith is trying to communicate with him in a language that is still something of a mystery to the swift right wing.
First Gentleman Ay, madam, with the swiftest wing of speed.
But now the Social Revolution is coming; coming upon swift wings--it may be here before this book sees the light.
On swift blade-sharp wings the tercel rose, higher and higher, circling.
Bure, a swift right wing under contract for $5.5 million a season, has told the Canucks that he would prefer a new team.
E. I Madam, with the swiftest wing of speed Hel.