Arianus had been replaced by a dazzling display of swiftly altering images.
One reviewer complained that Mr. Kerr displays "a rash impulse to swiftly alter this country's attitudes."
The attack on the French base swiftly altered the story line.
The dynamics alter swiftly from the soft to the very strong, sounding like the actual breathing of the narrator who seeks an answer to his love.
Depending on the venue and application, automated luminaires can be a versatile and economical addition to a stock of traditional lights because, with proper programming, they can swiftly alter many aspects of their optics, changing the "personality" of the light very quickly.
There had been a time not long ago when he would have killed her first; but since they had reached Khami, everything had begun altering even more swiftly.
His expression of dismay swiftly altering to delight was marvelous.
After the arrest of Nosar, Trotsky became chairman and swiftly altered the party's agenda.
Reality swiftly altered them.
Muttering to himself, pretending to be frustrated over his inability to discover a bank account, Jamil was, in actuality, swiftly altering the code on the cards.