Our greed built that ship too swiftly, and their greed drove him mad.
The fire built swiftly and threw light across the open space of the clearing, but could not penetrate the wall of shadows beyond.
The ebb and flow of energy pulsed with the rhythm of the lovemaking, building swiftly in intensity.
A whistling shriek began faintly outside the hull and built swiftly to a point where nothing could have been heard above it.
Pressure built swiftly, rising to dangerous levels.
Gravity returned to the Arikara's bridge as the fusion drive came on, building swiftly.
He bought a Bronx drugstore as a front for selling illegal booze, paid off cops and swiftly built a chain of similar stores.
The engineer had hired three dump trucks from the area and some other equipment so the dam was building swiftly.
All our institutions should swiftly build upon the progress already made towards achieving this objective.
But the most important thing, by far, is to get the memorial built, and built swiftly.