I had watched him kill a man in his office, making it look like an accident with a swiftly implemented set of preparations.
The recent Israeli measures to facilitate exports out of Gaza are also welcome but they need to be swiftly implemented.
We do so primarily because we believe that this key component of the European legal framework for the information society needs to be implemented swiftly.
It is at least as important to evaluate the operations and to make sure that these are implemented swiftly and efficiently.
The directive on family unity must be swiftly implemented.
We therefore consider that it should be implemented swiftly.
The recent peace agreements must be swiftly implemented.
The Commission's services are now reaching out for solutions which can be swiftly implemented.
Now that there is a consensus between the Member States to take the treaty change route, this approach must be swiftly implemented.
We must continue to fight unemployment with efficient, incisive measures that are swiftly implemented.