But observe that most people are creatures cut in half who keep swinging desperately to one side or to the other.
Eyes dim with angry tears, she swung desperately at him with her fist.
Desperately swinging his arms and crouching low, a boy in Russian dress was overtaking her.
He swung desperately, aware with sudden grimness that it had become a struggle for life with the odds on the dragon's side.
Riker spun, ice axe in hand, and swung desperately.
He swung desperately, straight toward the muzzle of Ox Hogart's gun.
But she remained on the tracks and desperately swung the torch from side to side, pleading a message of her own.
A moredhel turned, backing up, swinging desperately, trying to use his bow as a shield.
The young man swung desperately to avoid it.
His eyes were fixed at some point within his own mind, and he swung desperately, futilely at nothing.