During gait, the posterior fibres help to decelerate internal rotation of the femur at the end of swing phase.
Did anyone else's parents go through that swing phase in the 80's?
During this time the hip joint is undergoing extension from being in maximal flexion from the previous swing phase.
The movement and momentum generated by the hip extensors also contributes to knee flexion and the beginning of the initial swing phase.
The opposing limbs meet with one in midstance and midswing, beginning the propulsion and terminal swing phases.
In level running the hip reaches maximal flexion prior to the end of the swing phase, followed by extension as the leg moves to meet the ground.
During each step, with each leg, a horse completes four movements: the swing phase, the grounding or impact, the support period and the thrust.
The most impaired movement pattern of hip abduction is when the QL initiates the movement, which results in hip hiking during swing phase of gait.
The swing phase is everything that happens between the time that the toes go airborne until the heel of the same foot strikes the ground again.
In addition, PD patients have reduced foot lifting during the swing phase of gait, which produces smaller clearance between the toes and the ground.