Analysts say that airline partners will gradually become more deeply enmeshed, making it much harder to switch alliances.
Moreover, he will switch alliances depending on the issue.
The implied threat was that Greece would ask for Bulgarian support, which in effect means Soviet, in the event of a war and even perhaps switch alliances.
Calculating and subtle, Ieyasu switched alliances when he thought he would benefit from the change.
The Heaven hooks switch alliances.
To destroy the garrison, Shawar switched alliances, from Amalric to Shirkuh.
It appears that he switched alliances during the Rebellion.
On June 29, 1999, it was announced that the race would switch alliances and become an event on the Indy Racing League schedule for 2000.
Nevertheless, it is still unclear how many went with him when he decided to switch alliances and join the Gulf Cartel.
"But I did switch alliances at the eighth pole."