For a more challenging workout, hold on lightly with one hand and move the other arm, switching arms periodically.
The first victim of his Stand, however, has his hands switch arms when the effects of the screws wear off.
Do 12-15 reps with right arm, then switch arms and legs and repeat on left side.
This influenced Yamane, who was third baseman before he destroyed his elbow, to also switch arms.
Fit as six fiddles, Michael switched arms to do another twenty reps. "My sources tell me she's been cooking for him."
Bend forward from waist toward your partner, facing centre, switching arms as you do so.
Players due to injuries may also switch arms for fielding.
Continue crunching for 30 seconds, then switch arms around and repeat.
Ocho switched arms without missing a stroke.
Repeat each set of punches 10 times, then switch arms and repeat.