I told him that he 'spoke coding' with a bloody awful accent which would give him away, and then switched metaphors.
To play the audience like an organ demands a killer sense of timing - or, to switch metaphors, suspense is the art of killing time itself.
To switch metaphors, he had picked up a lemon.
Now I need to switch metaphors on you.
To switch metaphors from fungi to vines, this infrastructure is like a trellis.
Or, to switch metaphors, she is simultaneously a brilliant diagnostician of the political disease of our time and a symptom of it.
There are plenty of fish in the sea, or, to switch metaphors for a moment, don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Now someone had taken her - to switch metaphors for a moment - out of her scabbard and everyone was running for cover.
So I abruptly switched metaphors in midstream.