A switchback trail will lead you another 1km to a house with a soda (inexpensive eatery), which is the entrance to the springs.
Instantly the faint, green guideline was there, leading up the switchback trail, heading for the pass high above.
Even as they descended the switchback trail, Quentin experienced the sense of being swallowed.
We stood at the top of the cliff face, overlooking the switchback trail leading down to the cauldron of water.
Out at the edge of the level area, Richard spotted Tom down below leading the men through the trees and up the switchback trail.
He kept his snow-and-ice bike steady, grinding and carving up the switchback trail.
He lifted a hand to summon her on and led the way down a switchback trail cut into the native rock by blaster fire.
There were no bandits following them, so they hurried on, making their way along the switchback trail leading down the other side of the ridge.
But even before the mountain house was built, visitors came, trudging up a logging road or taking the switchback Indian trail, now the paved route.
We crossed the river then and went up a switchback trail for a thousand feet toward a tremendous promontory.