Wet leaves rubbed on swollen arms, wrists or ankles.
The Gypsy woman hadn't budged from her own step, but there was the boy with the swollen, broken arm.
Most people who are vaccinated against smallpox can expect to have a very sore, swollen arm within a week or so.
Whenever possible, rest a swollen arm or leg on a comfortable surface, above the level of your heart.
Sitting or lying down and raising the swollen arm will often relieve this type of swelling.
"Look at him," she said, pointing to Katabo's swollen arm.
His rolled-up sleeve revealed a swollen and darkened left arm.
Stan had to wait an /entire hour till an intern came along and looked at his swollen arm.
Amahast looked up from the swollen arm to the green wall of the jungle beyond.
Fortunately the angry red lines faded on the girl's swollen arm on the evening of the fourth day.