He was medevacked to the city hospital and sewn up and operated on to relieve pressure from a swollen brain.
There weren't any other options in that swollen brain of yours?
One or two were massively swollen brains so full of machinery that they could no longer be housed in skulls.
The swollen brain was clearly not as universally respected as it liked to imagine.
The brain tissue may swell, pressure inside the skull may increase and the swollen brain may herniate through the skull base.
Prosecutors said the girl's injuries - including a fractured skull, lacerated liver, fractured rib and swollen brain - indicated that the attack was extensive.
He suffered many injuries including a fractured skull, broken jaw and a swollen brain.
Her other injuries included a fractured skull, fractured rib and swollen brain.
This prompted a sustained and brutal attack as he slept leaving him with a fractured skull and a swollen brain.
In one of those cases, a young actor was left in critical condition with a swollen brain and unable to breathe without a machine's help.