His sword dipped and stabbed through the figure's chest-a chest made of snow wrapped in a cloak.
He took a step or so along, and the sword dipped in his hold, its tip not now pointing to the banks but to the floor.
Like stilt-lizard beaks, swords dipped in and out, emerged dripping, plunged in again.
When the sword dipped into the water, the snakes turned suddenly and squirmed away as fast as they could go.
Mason's sword dipped in the royal salute, until the point was aimed at the ground.
Fingers numb, strength spent, her sword dipped, exposing her to his final thrust.
The great sword dipped over the cradle, and the Orb glowed.
The film ends with Murukan holding a sword dipped in the blood of Bobby.
It would have suited his image if it housed a sword dipped in curare.
When he reached it, the sword dipped, touched the ground inside the rude lean-to, and the Orb flared.