The sword, of course, immediately leapt joyously into flame.
Conan counted six opponents as his sword leaped into his hand.
My sword leaps to touch your shoulder, yours, and those of your brave young friends.
From out of the shadow a red sword leaped flaming.
And with the words his sword leapt forward a quivering tongue of death.
She came up swinging the double-handed sword, beheading the first warrior to leap to the attack.
The sword leaped high, ready to slash down at Blade's skull.
The sword leaped into his hand again, in time to meet the last two soldiers as they came in together.
"When the situation arises, it is amazing how the sword leaps in the hand, almost as though it has a will of its own."
Then the commandant whirled, his sword leaping from its scabbard.