The sword was also straight and wielded with one or two hands.
No doubt about it: the sword was wielding itself.
It seems that there was more to Bantsuma than a sword wielding actor.
The second character to bear the name, and the first female, was a dark-haired, sword wielding alien woman.
I could not fight, I had neither sword nor muscle to wield it.
In that moment, her bracelets create two swords for her to wield.
It was a rough hand callused by years of sword wielding and horse handling.
But she has made her mistake now-in choosing a sword and you to wield it.
Prince Lassid - the sword wielding hero, is a well-rounded character who has excellent speed and fast attacks.
From o'er the threshold Seek and you will see; 1 - am that is, My sword will wield for me.