But the scientists have yet to prove this sort of symbiotic link between plant and wasp.
Aware of the symbiotic link that existed between witch and familiar, John knew that by killing Slag he'd be killing Queenie too.
There may even be communicative and behavioural symbiotic links built in.
In this case, a symbiotic link between life and art has worked to the advantage of both.
This seemingly symbiotic link has been damaging to the more general applicability of these criteria in other contexts.
Dormammu returns, now in a symbiotic link with Umar due to their previous merged state.
The group members also developed a symbiotic link amongst each other that allowed them to operate at enhanced efficiency when they remain within close proximity of each other.
The future of the wine sector depends, among other things, on having a symbiotic link between the best traditions of the sector and practical modern developments.
Only her body occupied the command chair; her mind was in the miles of wire and tubing, reestablishing an almost symbiotic link with Anansi.
But the real fascination of Morgan's play lies in its suggestion that, behind the contest, there was a symbiotic link between Frost and Nixon.