The new symbol does not replace the old one, but it amends it.
In contemporary America, symbols replace experiences that could possibly truly satisfy our growth-longings, and therefore prevent us from buying at such a rapid rate.
In "the rise of the image the fall of the word", Stephens describes how pictures, symbols and photos are replacing words as our primary communication medium.
A symbol replaced the name of The Shadow.
As globalizing corporate logos and symbols gradually replace the war imagery that has long dominated the country's visual language.
Sometimes, Lithuanian symbols replace the numbers.
That symbol replaced a former one that featured three hexagons with the inscription: CDU and was often used with a beehive.
The symbol of the "Rose and Cross" now replaces that of the"Golden Dawn."
Symbolism - a symbol replaces an action, person, or idea.
If the symbol , called join, replaces in the definition just given, the structure is called a join-semilattice.