In making this distinction, Lamont acknowledges that symbolic boundaries are a "necessary but insufficient" condition for social change.
Only when symbolic boundaries are widely agreed upon can they take on a constraining character.
The area within the symbolic boundaries is known as an eruv.
STRUNG together out of poles and wire, the symbolic boundary known as an eruv is a flimsy thing.
Humour too provides a way of illuminating, testing and perhaps also shifting symbolic boundaries.
Mr. Sharon, the filmmakers assert, has crossed military and symbolic boundaries in a way that seemed destined and perhaps intended to ignite hostility.
The plan relies largely on symbolic boundaries already in place but because it requires construction of some poles strung with wire, it has to go before local planning authorities.
High-income urban culture can define itself with multiple symbolic boundaries stemming from prejudice against other groups that they perceive to be of a different economic status.
As shown here: "There are also cross-cultural differences in how symbolic boundaries are linked to social boundaries.
By extending the symbolic boundaries of a private home, the eruv would allow some of the restrictions to be relaxed.