The extracted property is only one symbolic compensation for the damage that resulted from the decision to go to war.
Besides being jailed for four months, the court also ordered Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga, to pay symbolic compensation of 1 CFA franc to Gregoire Owona.
They may include financial payments, social services including health care or education, or symbolic compensation such as public apologies.
They were only mildly interested, Ascherson contends, when John Major brought it back to Edinburgh in 1996 as symbolic compensation for the Conservative government's rebuff of the growing self-rule movement.
As for Mr. Massis, after his sons were discharged and their assailants got out of jail, a clan head from Hebron paid a visit, and symbolic compensation was paid.
The UMP admitted using the track without permission and offered the symbolic compensation of one euro (85p, $1).
Kurt Werner Schaechter, 82, is seeking just one euro as symbolic compensation from the National Railroad Service, known by its French initials of S.N.C.F.
Kodama took legal action against Assouline, considering the remark unjustified and defamatory, asking for a symbolic compensation of one euro.
Eliade decided to sue the Ministry of Education, asking for a symbolic compensation of 1 leu.
Furious at what they regard as "symbolic compensation," some of the surviving women recently conducted an egg-throwing, slogan-hurling protest in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul.