Johns' Flag, for instance, is primarily a visual object, divorced from its symbolic connotations and reduced to something in-itself.
Although rabbits were a non-kosher animal in the Bible, positive symbolic connotations were sometimes noted, as for lions and eagles.
This finding lends support to hypotheses arguing that cave paintings might have contained less of a symbolic or transcendental connotation than often assumed.
The Common Nightingale is an important symbol for poets from a variety of ages, and has taken on a number of symbolic connotations.
It will only be a symbolic connotation and for promotional purposes in response to the role of this town during the Mexican Revolution.
Ironically, the linkage may delay, instead of accelerate, the release of hostages, which has acquired diplomatic and symbolic connotations.
Here visitors learn about the history of barter, and money's religious, social and symbolic connotations in former times.
For architects of Mies's generation, for example, glass held symbolic connotations.
Architectural ornaments and their symbolic connotation had more variety and richness.
However terrible Birkenau was, the name did not have the symbolic connotation of Auschwitz.