For some, they are a symbolic reminder of mortality.
They were passed from mothers to daughters as a symbolic reminder of the responsibility women bear for ensuring the good management of household affairs.
He said a park would be a permanent symbolic reminder of the East Berlin-West Berlin divide.
Perhaps the cold war was a symbolic reminder to the world that the preservation of democracy can best come about through the natural conflict of dialectical forces.
More than 60 percent preferred "the bread and wine are symbolic reminders of Christ."
Even among Catholics going to mass regularly, more said that "symbolic reminder" came closest to their belief.
A memento mori (Latin 'remember that you will die') is an artistic or symbolic reminder of the inevitability of death.
The bison is a symbolic reminder of the various bison that formerly roamed the province.
"The political graffiti is a very symbolic reminder of what's been going on in recent history."
Some commentators suggested leaving the statue maimed as a symbolic reminder of the foot-mutilating incident.