A symmetric rotating magnetic field can be produced with as few as two polar wound coils driven at 90 degrees phasing.
This rotation induces an azimuthally symmetric gravitational field.
The system experiences a spherically symmetric potential field.
We can similarly approximate the gravity field of the Earth by a spherically symmetric field:
One reason may be that the saturnian perfectly axially symmetric magnetic field fails to impose a strict corotation on the magnetospheric plasma making it slip relative to the planet.
Such a symmetric field does not alter the velocity.
It makes sense to ask how much force is required to hold a test particle with a given mass over the massive object which we assume is the source of this static spherically symmetric gravitational field.
A version of the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket can also be defined for symmetric multivector fields in a similar way.
The Bôcher Prize citation mentions his work on the spherically symmetric scalar field as well as his work on the stability of Minkowski spacetime.
Hartree assumed that the nucleus together with the electrons formed a spherically symmetric field.