Many of the dynamic features of the symmetric patterns illustrated in Fig. 3 can be understood analytically.
Applying an inverse Fourier transform to the image resulted in a real space representation of the material-shown above-with a clear fivefold symmetric pattern.
The complex consists of 19 buildings with nine halls and six courtyards which are connected by corridors and ride north to south in a symmetric pattern.
It was arranged in a simple and symmetric pattern.
The center position is left unoccupied, so pieces form a symmetric hexagonal pattern.
The actual discrete symmetry group of a translationally symmetric pattern can be:
This is a condition where atypical blood vessels proliferate usually in a radially symmetric pattern around the pylorus of the stomach.
There were slight traces of two more dots that would complete the symmetric pattern.
Most animals prefer to mate with sexual partners exhibiting symmetric pattern.
Additionally, he arranged his demonic animals in symmetric patterns.