Liszt planned his choice of keys in a remarkably symmetrical fashion.
Millen's house is a rectangular building planned in a highly symmetrical fashion.
Built in symmetrical fashion along both sides of the track, the city grew to 7,000 by 1914.
Michael Stryker was lying face down in the snow, arms and legs outspread in an almost perfectly symmetrical fashion.
His earlier pieces went from being made in a "hand-wrought" looking manner, to a much more symmetrical and stylized fashion.
Pews will have to be removed but if furniture is arranged in an orderly, symmetrical fashion it responds to the architectural layout of the building.
The door opened and two women stepped out, one on either side in symmetrical fashion.
Loculi, or rectangular bed-like areas for the dead, were often attached to chambers of the tomb, radiating in a symmetrical fashion.
As he compressed the ventilating bag, Nancy's chest rose in a symmetrical fashion.
Thus, it is possible that the force generation is not generated in a perfectly symmetrical fashion.