There was a picture of an early nineteenth-century mill, with water in the foreground reflecting its reassuring squareness and symmetrical windows.
The exterior has long open-porch, symmetrical windows.
It was a low clapboard structure with paired front doors in the centre and symmetrical windows left and right.
The two-storey building, constructed in the mid 18th century, had symmetrical front windows that were replaced in the 20th century.
Under the bay window, symmetrical and calm, is the sofa on which we are sitting.
The house's symmetrical windows and cornice with dentils are reasons why the house was known as a Greek revival home.
Above the two aforementioned openings, we can see two symmetrical golden windows for the second choir.
The wide floors offered enough space for guest rooms and their symmetrical windows encouraged light breezes through the house.
The structures are wood clapboard exteriors with near symmetrical window and door alignments on the façades.
The front façade is composed by the gallery, roof eaves and large symmetrical windows of the first floor.