But I lived in these hills for a week, speaking to no one, until at last my loneliness struck a sympathetic chord.
That struck a sympathetic chord in Maine, which has many new residents attracted to the state by its outdoors.
Instead, he found the words oddly striking a sympathetic chord within him.
His initial sight of the park had strummed a sympathetic chord in him.
Andrew Bloch never quite finds a sympathetic chord in the role of Leon.
Your piece on the service station nonconfrontation struck a sympathetic chord in me.
But Ivy's comment about he and Evelyn going so well together had struck a sympathetic chord in him somewhere.
But union members have continued to raise the issue in an effort to embarrass the city and strike a sympathetic chord with the public.
Indeed, all forms of human folly and bestiality touch a very sympathetic chord within our breast!
His intense embarrassment struck a sympathetic chord in Fleming.