Her first diagnosis - reflex sympathetic dystrophy - resulted in experimental surgery that did nothing to relieve her pain.
Complex regional pain syndrome, also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy or RSD.
To the Editor: The key to dealing with reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome is not lawsuits but a better-educated medical profession.
Effect of vitamin C on frequency of reflex sympathetic dystrophy in wrist fractures: a randomized trial.
Brown suffers from reflex sympathetic dystrophy in the feet, and competes sitting down or "leaning on a stool".
In Kramer's case, she suffered from complicating factors reflex sympathetic dystrophy and fibromyalgia which reduced her chances of success further.
Phentolamine also has diagnostic and therapeutic roles in complex regional pain syndrome (reflex sympathetic dystrophy).
Mr. May, who has been on disability for 10 years because of reflex sympathetic dystrophy, described his pain as nightmarish.
This treatment may be used for a type of chronic pain called reflex sympathetic dystrophy, which is a condition that affects the nervous system.
Skin sensitivity, excessive sweating, numbness, and tingling may also occur with reflex sympathetic dystrophy.