Instead, some unknown phenomenon caused each of her molecules to hum in sympathetic vibration.
They seek out the sympathetic vibration between the music and themselves.
Some other strings will also vibrate very lightly (this is called "sympathetic vibration").
I could give you a technical explanation about sympathetic vibrations and nerve cells, but why bother?
The distressing experience was still fresh enough for the article to produce potent sympathetic vibrations.
Double-reeds from within the ensemble frequently answer him, giving a feeling of sympathetic vibration rather than sharp contrast.
But when they went toward things, in sympathetic vibration with them, they recognized them right away.
The jellylike ground under Louis's feet began to shake in sympathetic vibration.
It's what the Japanese call chiyun, sympathetic vibration of the spirit.
In a phenomenon called sympathetic vibration, a string seems to vibrate by itself.