Complaints about the amorality of defense counsel, particularly those representing heartless institutions in cases brought by sympathetic victims, are not new.
Charlie Lynam isn't exactly a sympathetic victim.
And while Sally's spiritual turning point makes her a sympathetic victim, it doesn't really raise the heat on this potboiler.
Michael Eklund makes the most of the maniac role, and Breslin is a sympathetic victim.
But thinking about media regulation only terms of sympathetic victims may not be good.
They privately cheered, however, at the opportunity to share their sense of crisis in the context of a national story with a sympathetic victim.
But beyond being sympathetic victims of hard times, racism and the plagues of inner-city life, their characters remain unclear.
The airline itself could even be a sympathetic victim, what with the likelihood of a bomb.
There's no way to make a jury see her as a sympathetic victim.
And, frankly, for a lot of officers, a woman who is a drug addict is not a particularly sympathetic victim.