Moisture replacement therapies such as artificial tears may ease the symptoms of dry eyes.
Some people may experience only the mild symptoms of dry eyes and mouth, while others have symptoms of severe disease.
Histamine can produce symptoms of itching or watery eyes.
Specific questioning showed symptoms of dry eyes and dry mouth.
It is said to relieve the symptoms of itchy red eyes.
Application of artificial tears every few hours can provide temporary relief from the symptoms of dry eyes.
Cevimeline is used to treat symptoms of dry mouth and eyes caused by Sjögren's syndrome.
Histamine can produce symptoms of sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and runny nose.
Strep throat is unlikely when any of the symptoms of red eyes, hoarseness, runny nose, or mouth ulcers are present.
Within hours of the treatment, Mrs. Brown began experiencing severe symptoms of stinging and burning eyes.