Disease actvity index was the sum of the symptom score plus the sigmoidoscopy score.
One possible cause for increased symptom scores in the core group was that they were all involved in seeking compensation.
AUA symptom score.
Patients were questioned in detail about their symptoms and each patient was accorded a symptom score.
At the start, their depressive symptom scores were 18 on average but dropped to 15 after unsuccessful treatment.
We did not find any differences between the two therapies for lung function, symptom scores, adverse effects or bacteriological outcome measures.
Severity of disease as measured by symptom score was significantly higher in those who were unemployed due to ill health (table III).
Seven of the nine patients with stone recurrence are asymptomatic (symptom score 0) and the other two have a symptom score of 1.
Four are asymptomatic (symptom score 0) and one has minimal discomfort (sympton score 1).
There were no significant differences in the glucose thresholds for a two point increase in symptom scores (table I).