After examining them, David sent them home for bed rest and symptomatic therapy.
David treated them the same way: recommending bed rest and symptomatic therapy for their GI complaints.
If the underlying cause is known, treatment is tailored to the specific disease, followed by symptomatic and supportive therapy for the hypotonia.
Treatments for HLTV myelopathy are even more limited and focus mainly on symptomatic therapy.
Standard treatments usually involve symptomatic therapy with pain medication, muscle relaxants, and antivenom.
In general, medical intervention is limited to symptomatic therapy.
For suspected low-grade oligodendrogliomas in select patients, some neuro-oncologists opt for a course of watchful waiting, with only symptomatic therapy.
Effective treatments for brain metastases from breast cancer exist, although symptomatic therapy alone may be chosen for those with poor performance status.
Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency: successful symptomatic therapy by high dose oral administration of ribose.
The only treatment is symptomatic and supportive therapy and using sedatives to control convulsions.