More stimulating environments can increase the number of synapses in the brain which increases synaptic activity.
A spontaneous generation of action potentials and synaptic activities is needed to maintain physical interaction.
Forward propagation of dendritic spikes is initiated due to synaptic activity.
Regehr was one of the first to use fluorescent imaging to see the synaptic activity occurring in the brain.
Mesembrythem has the po-tential to permanently disrupt the synaptic activity of your brain.
Synaptic noise refers to the constant bombardment of synaptic activity in neurons.
This dual-functionality is dependent upon synaptic activity such as a depolarizing stimulus arriving at the synapse.
Another cell type, astroglia, helps pattern the brain in fetal development and is later involved in synaptic activity.
These processes, and by extension the number of receptors on the membrane, can be altered by synaptic activity.
Large spines are more stable than smaller ones and may be resistant to modification by additional synaptic activity.