The activity of proteins would then be required for the memory trace to lead to sustained changes in synaptic strength.
However more general ageing considers loss of synaptic strength over neuronal death.
In essence, it is the brain's ability to retain and develop memories based on activity-driven changes of synaptic strength that allow stronger learning of information.
Learning and memory are believed to result from long-term changes in synaptic strength, via a mechanism known as synaptic plasticity.
It can result in either an increase or decrease in synaptic strength.
The modification of synaptic strength is referred to as functional plasticity.
In order to create input-specific changes in synaptic strength, the Ca signal must be restricted to specific dendritic spines.
These modulations of K conductances serve as common mechanisms for regulating excitability and synaptic strength.
Long-term potentiation in particular gets its name from the length of time which the increased synaptic strength remains.
Regehr studies the implication of calcium Ca as it affects synaptic strength.