Component video requires an extra synchronization signal to be sent along with the video.
Scan conversion involves changing the picture information data rate and wrapping the new picture in appropriate synchronization signals.
A sync pulse generator is a special type of generator which produces synchronization signals, with a high level of stability and accuracy.
Recent models are capable of receiving synchronization signals from various time stations worldwide.
A periodic synchronization signal used by software or hardware, such as a bus clock or a periodic interrupt.
The aim of Synchronous Ethernet is to provide a synchronization signal to those network resources that may eventually require such a type of signals.
Ring: Basically, this is a tree topology that uses ring configurations to propagate the synchronization signal.
However legacy Ethernet is not suitable for transmitting synchronization signals.
That is, they are designed and operate on assumptions about a synchronization signal.
Pilottone and the related neo-pilottone are special synchronization signals recorded by analog audio recorders designed for use in motion picture production.